Currently, our glass education is primarily online. We continue to build new teaching techniques, new connections and opportunities for renowned and up-and-coming glass artists.

Live Online Masterclasses

Our masterclasses began as the virtual version of the physical workshops that were happening at Warm Glass. Due to Covid these were moved online and have proved to be incredibly successful. We continue to launch at least 3 masterclasses each month. We work with some incredibly talented artists who teach multiple techniques throughout the year. The masterclasses allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home and/or studio, without the need to travel, with three sessions over three weeks - sometimes more!

Image: Joshua Kerley

Live Online Seminars

Our seminars are opportunities for practising artists to share something central to their practice. In the past this has been the artists' background, the artists' PhD research, a case study of a particular work an artist focused upon over a period of time, a technical lecture, or even open discussions about glass practice and concepts. We aim for at least 4 seminars a year from existing teachers and new practitioners. If you have anyone in particular that you would love to see on our schedule then feel free to let us know!

Image: Anthony Scala

Learn At Your Own Pace - LAYOP

LAYOP is our new learning format which allows you to learn new glass techniques at any time that suits you, with lifetime access. Our Learn At Your Own Pace projects and courses are a series of step-by-step educational videos which introduce you to a technique and support you in the process of creating a completed piece of work or multiple pieces.

This format does not require you to come to live sessions and they do not have expiry dates. They are aimed at beginners (projects), intermediate makers (courses), and advanced practitioners (artist courses). We aim for LAYOP to provide new techniques to all levels and there should be something for everyone. We have a whole heap of these LAYOPs on the way, so make sure you are paying attention to our social media to hear about when they are released.


Projects are exciting new follow-along guides that are developed for those who are beginners to glass, would like to try new techniques or would like to begin a new collection of glass works. Even the most advanced glass artists might still find them interesting. Each project is independent and covers a few techniques. The project is broken down into step-by-step videos with written instructions and handy notes to support your work along the way. Following the instructions, even someone who has never touched glass before will be able to produce a finished piece in Bullseye glass.

We collaborate with Warm Glass to provide students with material kits so sourcing the stock is easier.

Image: Megan O'Hara, Powdered Landscape


Courses are educational videos that explore a technique in greater depth. These are aimed at intermediate makers who have a studio practice and a fundamental understanding of working with Bullseye glass. These courses are less focused on step-by-step tutorials and instead are designed to promote material testing, encourage practising processes, and troubleshoot results. Each course will contain a few suggestions for applications of the technique into finished pieces.  

Image: Megan O'Hara, Metal Inclusions

Artist Courses

Artist Courses are advanced courses aimed at practising glass artists or those who would like to extend the techniques they have learnt from our courses, projects, and live online masterclasses. The Artist Courses are opportunities for our artists to develop and share techniques that would not be possible during the live online masterclasses. The Artist Course comes with lifetime access which has no expiry date. They are comprised of pre-recorded videos so you can access them any time you like on any device. There are accompanying materials lists, in-depth handouts and a community page which will be monitored by Glass School and the Artist to resolve any technical questions you may have along the way.

Image: Evelyn Gottschall Baker

Our Future

In the future, we aim to see the return of our in-person teaching and masterclasses. We hear your requests loud and clear, and as soon as we are in a position to offer it again then we will. We appreciate your patience while we plan the next steps.